When in Vrbnik

The narrowest street in the world (Klancic, Vrbnik)

Narrow streets prevail in Vrbnik, so it is not strange that the world's narrowest street should be located exactly here.


The Old House Of Vrbnik

The Vrbnik Etno House was opened in 2017 with the private initiative of the Larin family who bought and renovated a house built in the 15th or early 16th century by the Feretic family. The new owners have retained the original look of the house and exhibit old-fashioned items found in the house and gathered together that show how life of a family in Vrbnik once looked.

placeSaliz 18, Vrbnik, CraotiapublicThe Old House Of Vrbnik on Instagram

The museum of visual identity Vrbnik

The bell tower. The 30-metre high Renaissance bell tower built in 1527 is the crucial element in the recognisable panorama of Vrbnik. For years students have come to Vrbnik for field work with their mentors and have worked on the programme of graphic design and visual interpretation of the historical and environmental whole of Vrbnik.

placeRoc 12, Vrbnik, Craotia

Katunar Winery & Ulika Restaurant Vrbnik

The winery, where the processing of the grapes, storage and filling in bottles is done, is located at the edge of the Vrbnik field.

placeMapphone+385 51 857 393publicKatunar Winery on Instagram

Mediterranean hackberry Vrbnik

According to folclore, this Mediterranean hackberry was planted by the Croatian king Kresimir during his visition to the island Krk, between 1058 and 1074. This Mediterranean hackberry is one of the largest and oldest hackberries on island.


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